Category: Blog

  • In Converstaion

    In Converstaion

    …with Don McLellan, who interviews himself about himself (because nobody else would). DM-1: Many writers have artistic or academic parentage. And you? DM-2: I grew up in a veterans’ housing project in East Vancouver. My dad had served in the navy during the Second World War and saw plenty of action, so we qualified for one of…

  • Youtube Interview

    Youtube Interview

    The Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, outside Boston, is a private, co-ed college prep school founded in 1778. Alumni include former U.S. presidents, foreign heads of state, members of Congress, five Nobel laureates, as well as winners of Tony, Grammy, Emmy, and Academy awards. In 2020, Ralph Lam, then-editor of The Qualia Review, the school’s…

  • Renfrew-Collingwood News

    Renfrew-Collingwood News

     In April 2015, following the publication of his second story collection, Brunch with the Jackals (Thistledown Press), the author had an email exchange with Julie Cheng, editor of the monthly Renfrew-Collingwood Community News. Following is a condensed version of that conversation. Q: Where did you find the inspiration for these stories? A: If I knew…

  • Proust Questionnaire

    Proust Questionnaire

    In June 2011 Open Book Toronto asked the author to take the Proust Questionnaire, a much-loved game of the French author and his contemporaries. It was believed the answers reveal the respondent’s true nature.  This is an updated version of that storied questionnaire. What is your dream of happiness? I don’t really believe in “happiness,”…